Sunday, August 23, 2015

Broad Bay China Shop & Stuff

Winter has officially reached that point in the Southern Hemisphere where t-shirts and flipflops (Kiwis call them jandals -- weird, huh??) suddenly become acceptable apparel. The high is still barely in the mid 50's, but if you close your eyes and try really really hard, it starts to feel almost like summer. Just almost. After a record breaking cold winter, we're a desperate bunch.

I'm starting to think this "warm weather" thing is a hoax. Pretty sure everyone just keeps telling me it'll get warmer so I don't leave.

(Although, to be honest, I don't really want to leave ever.)

I was going through my pictures from my little trip to Dunedin and I found a bunch from my adventures with my surrogate nana. On our way down Portobello Road to visit the albatrosses, we stopped in a china shop. (It actually belongs to my boss's old high school teacher... Typical Dunedin to have connections like that!) #oldlady status. I love these kinds of places because they always have a super random selection of knick knacks alongside the china.

So, obviously, I took a bunch of pictures to share with all of you.

Enjoy. x

Some random sheep from across the road for good measure.

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